A curated collection of artistic essentials and luxury fashion.  源於藝術美學發想的複合式高端精品品牌,融合當代與經典,詮釋新精品的低調文雅風格。

ART HAUS A9 Grand Opening


ART HAUS A9 盛大開幕
時髦中性 新型態選品概念

ART HAUS 繼台北新光三越 A4 旗艦店、台中新光三越店、高雄漢神巨蛋店後,將於台北新光三越 A9 開設第四家店舖,將以嶄新面貌呈現 ART HAUS 的藝術美學與雋永的選品特色。

店裝邀請「場外 OFF-SITE」設計,以大自然的材質、線條發展與延伸概念至店內。首先映入眼簾的就是整片「樹瘤」的木紋牆面並使用鋼琴烤漆呈現亮面光澤,樹瘤的稀少性足以顯其獨特;店內中間的衣桿呈現圓弧的流線形狀,貼近本次的自然概念,木作更是以手工製作而成。 


店內傢俱規劃,希望傳達 ART HAUS 藝術美感的品牌基因,客椅是由 Bauhaus 最後一任校長 — 建築大師 Mies van der Rohe 所設計的 B42/1 Chair(已停產),是 60 年代的經典椅款;而旁邊的茶几是台灣品牌 Esalia 的 Edge Table;更衣室中的松木小圓凳則是丹麥家居品牌 FRAMA 的 AML STOOL。 

ART HAUS A9 店與其他門市最為不同的是朝向更為「中性、流行」的氛圍,保持著 ART HAUS 一貫的優雅雋永風格,增添更多男性選品與年輕世代所關注的時尚選品。 


Following the success of ART HAUS flagship stores at Taipei's Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A4, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in Taichung, and Hanshin Arena in Kaohsiung, the fourth store is now open at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A9 in Taipei. It presents ART HAUS's artistic aesthetics and enduring selection characteristics with a brand-new appearance.

The store's design is crafted by the "OFF-SITE" team, focusing on incorporating natural materials and lines into the interior concept. What first catches the eye is the entire wall covered with the wood grain pattern resembling tree knots, finished with piano lacquer to create a glossy shine. The rarity of these tree knots showcases their uniqueness. The clothing racks in the center of the store exhibit a flowing, curved design, in alignment with the nature concept of the store, and the woodwork is crafted by hand.


Furniture planning within the store aims to convey ART HAUS's brand DNA of artistic beauty. The guest chairs are the B42/1 Chair, designed by the last director of Bauhaus, the architectural master Mies van der Rohe (although it's no longer in production), representing a classic chair design from the 1960s. The adjacent coffee table is the Edge Table by Taiwanese brand Esaila. In the fitting rooms, you'll find the AML STOOL by FRAMA which is designed in solid oiled pine.

What sets ART HAUS A9 apart from other stores is its focus on a more "gender-neutral and trendy" atmosphere, while retaining ART HAUS's consistent style of elegance and timelessness, while also incorporating a broader selection of male-oriented and fashion-forward products that appeal to the younger generation.


│台北新光三越信義 A9 店
台北市信義區松壽路 9 號 2 F
+886 2 2758 6915